
Friday, January 2, 2015

Notable Moments

Last week I was standing in my parents book closet, searching for a book to read and Abby was sitting in a chair near me. She was kind of off in her own little world just thinking, and occasionally looking at me like I was crazy as I would randomly blurt things out to her while searching for a book. After a little while she said to me, "Hey, do you know that t.v. show called Heartland?" I told her I had heard of it. She said, "Well, it's kind of a horse show and about a girl. But anyway, I watched a lot of it in the past few weeks. Then last week Dad told me I wasn't allowed to watch it anymore, because He didn't like me being on the computer all the time and watching that show all the time. I thought I was going to die. All I wanted to do was watch that show. I was just going crazy that I couldn't watch it. It's all I would think about! But now it has been a week or two since Dad told me I wasn't allowed to watch it. And now it doesn't even bother me. I don't even think about it or care anymore, it's like I'm free!(She said that part in a silly, dramatic Abby kind of voice but non the less serious) then she said, "I'm really glad Dad made me stop watching it, because it was like I was addicted and now I'm free!" Now I've tried to think of a profound food for thought point to this story for you, but I can't seem to come up with it. It was just a moment, a little conversation that stuck out to me and has been on my mind. I think really it made me proud of my 13 year old little sister, that she realized she had been so caught up in something that really wasn't important or probably worth her time. And I was proud that she was grateful to her Dad for giving her boundaries (though she wasn't thrilled at the time) later recognized what a blessing it had been instead of just resenting his authority and she was thankful that he had intervened.
I Love this kid!