
Friday, August 30, 2013

Day 3- My Day In Detail

Ha, like any one wants to read about my day in detail... that's a good one! Ok how about a little part of my day, yesterday, that included a lot of detail! Nail ART!!!!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Day 2 - Something you look forward to in the next 12 months.

I think it is important to have something to look forward to. Otherwise I tend to get unsettled and frustrated feeling as though Im getting no where. So last year through a series of small things God gave me the "Go Ahead" to go on a Mission Trip to Zambia Africa! It was great for 7 months I had something Big to look forward to! To have that event to look forward to gave me a since of direction and peace and excitement for life! Now that trip has passed and I have settled in to my daily routine. Its not a bad life, but its become so routine I need a little something to look forward to. I have been praying about what next? In the mean time, here are a few things that I do look forward to! 1. Thanksgiving and Christmas are coming up soon! I love the Holidays! Who doesn't!? I love spending time with my family Cousins, Aunts, Uncles, and Grandparents!
2. I will be turning 20 in February!... actually Im not thrilled about that because Im not a big fan of this getting older thing, but there are perks to having a birthday. Like A SPARKLE PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im looking forward to The SPARKLE PARTY that I am planning in my head!
3. I am excited about the 2 new babies that will be born into our church with in the next 9 months!!! 4. My brother John David and his girlfriend Liz have talked about getting married hopefully next Fall SO I look forward to that! Who doesn't love a wedding!!! =D

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Blog Inspiration

Because every fabulous idea I had for this blog went out the window when I actually made the blog, I have decided to use this writing challenge as blog inspiration! Hopefully it will help my creative juices begin to flow!

About Me~

My name is Laura Kaye here is a little about me. 1. I Love Jesus! He Loves me More! 2. I am a sucker for things that sparkle... and chocolate Im a sucker for chocolate. 3.I was born and raised and still live in a little town in South Carolina. 4. I am 19 and the second oldest of 7 kids. We were/are homeschooled. 5. I went to Cosmetology school at the local tech school while I was in the 11th and 12th grade, and graduated with My Cosmetology license! Wohoo! 6. I got my first job as a licensed cosmetologist at Travis Salon in July of 2011. (This is where I am currently working) 7. I stayed a week at my friend Rebeca's house in June 2010 where she taught me the basics of making jewelry. In 2011 I started making and selling Jewelry. I love to be creative and working with pretty colors. (When I was very young, I took an art class and my teacher told my mom that my strong point was in the area of color, and that I worked very well with colors.) 8. I enjoy exercising and eating healthy. I only drink water and I try to eat as much raw food and Chia seeds as I can. ;) 9. I drive a Crown Victoria and she is called "Classy Lady" my key chain says so. :) 10. My Best friends are Mary and Rebeca. They are the BEST! 11. I really love to create beautiful Updos. 12. I also have way to many hair and beauty products, but Im a Cosmetologist, what can I say. 13. I love to Shag and dance in general... but Im not that great so I prefer to do it with someone who knows how. So they can just twirl me around. 14. I have this goal to make it to all 50 states. I have made it to 19. 15. I went to Africa may 2012. On a Mission Trip. Sometimes I wonder if that was a dream or it actually happened! It was AMAZING! 16. I love to laugh. 17. I LOVE holding babies! 18. I love to cook. 19. This blog is about my life. Day to day, an adventure here an adventure there. Attempts at creativity.i.e. Hair. jewelry. Inspirational thoughts. And whatever else may come my way! :D God Bless ~ LK