
Thursday, August 29, 2013

Day 2 - Something you look forward to in the next 12 months.

I think it is important to have something to look forward to. Otherwise I tend to get unsettled and frustrated feeling as though Im getting no where. So last year through a series of small things God gave me the "Go Ahead" to go on a Mission Trip to Zambia Africa! It was great for 7 months I had something Big to look forward to! To have that event to look forward to gave me a since of direction and peace and excitement for life! Now that trip has passed and I have settled in to my daily routine. Its not a bad life, but its become so routine I need a little something to look forward to. I have been praying about what next? In the mean time, here are a few things that I do look forward to! 1. Thanksgiving and Christmas are coming up soon! I love the Holidays! Who doesn't!? I love spending time with my family Cousins, Aunts, Uncles, and Grandparents!
2. I will be turning 20 in February!... actually Im not thrilled about that because Im not a big fan of this getting older thing, but there are perks to having a birthday. Like A SPARKLE PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im looking forward to The SPARKLE PARTY that I am planning in my head!
3. I am excited about the 2 new babies that will be born into our church with in the next 9 months!!! 4. My brother John David and his girlfriend Liz have talked about getting married hopefully next Fall SO I look forward to that! Who doesn't love a wedding!!! =D

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So fun! I love spending time with you and can't wait to again!