
Monday, June 2, 2014

Things Of The Week.

Angela, Ben and I went grocery shopping. We decided Angela and I should not grocery shop together.... at least not late at night when everything is funny ... and definitely not in the fresh produce section. "Do we need this?" "Yes, put it in the cart!"
Angela and I were discussing our partner room arrangement and how we probably should have done it differently. Angela and I both tend to stay up late and Carrie and Jordanna go to bed at a reasonable hour. It probably would have made more sense for Angela and I to room together and Carrie and Jordanna to room together. But alas Carrie has to put up with my jumping on her bottom bunk so I can get on the top bunk while she is trying to sleep. Why do I jump on the bottom bunk to get on the top bunk you may ask. Because I don't have a ladder to get on, but no worries, Luke is working on that. Soon enough Carrie won't have to worry about me almost jumping on her head every night. In the mean time, (I'm Sorry Carrie.) I found cocaine in the rafters above my bed. I just thought it was laundry detergent in a little bag until the others told me otherwise and flushed it down the toilet. That incident put me on the "Wall of Documents" that certify that you were the first to do or have something happen to you in our "family." The mosquitoes here are MONSTERS! Some of us were almost put into the hospital because we were about to scratch our skin off. (Ok thats a little dramatic.) But it was bad! Until Ben bought us 4 cans of bug spray. And we got a citronella candle! I spray my self down with bug spray every day. I'm a happier person because of it. People keep telling me its poison but I just think "I would have died any way if I had to keep scratching 32+ bites a day!" Saturday was Lukes birthday. They decided to go sing karaoke at a bar. Apparently you MUST be 21 to enter a bar here! I asked the man if I could wear an under 21 bracelet. But he said No! Meh! So I went home and washed dishes with Ben. Yay us! (because he's not 21 either) Also the drain was clogged so he gave me a lesson on how to clean the totally gross mess out of the drain. Also the sink was leaking but Ben kept blaming me and saying I was making a mess slinging water. Then we found a leak! Thanks a lot Ben! Last night my soon to be sister-in-law posted a "Find Out Your Theme Song" quiz on facebook so a bunch of us sat around and played our theme songs for each other. Then we got bored of that and started coming up with theme songs for each other. I started working at 5 Guys Burgers and Fries! I can attest to the fact that it is all fresh deliciousness! I helped roll about 1000 hamburgers into patties! I know, thats Crazy! And we use that much in a day!!! I have trouble getting everyone to understand that my name is Laura Kaye. A double name. I guess cause they are not from the South. But they are getting the hang of it. They are doing pretty good! Today when Ben, Ivan and Abraham went to work their boss got a ton of free breads and pastries from some company that can't use them any more. He gave them to the boys. It was a ton of bread! We like it when we get free food! It helps keep the 14 of us fed around here! We also like it when people send us food in the mail! The Perrys sent cookies and cake and honey banana bread stuff to Luke and Angela and Ben. But if it belongs to one it kinda belongs to all! ;) Thats how our family works any way! So thank you Perrys! They play a lot of cards around here. Im pretty bad at cards, not that I don't like to play I just don't catch on very quick. So I try not to play too much. It makes me feel dumb. Today Luke planted tomatoes and peppers! Right now Carrie and Josiah are at a KFC meeting with the Big Bosses from Canada. I dont know what the meeting is for. Ariel pronounced (Ar-ee-ol) made meat loaf tonight. It was really good meat loaf. When it came out of the oven he told me that he had shaped one loaf like a fish and one loaf like a turtle. But you couldn't tell after it was cooked. The other day Josiah, Ben, Jordanna and I took a walk up to the Magic City Bridge. Its a short walk. It''s a beautiful view from up there.


Unknown said...

Its so fun to hear about all your mini adventures. Don't feel bad about not knowing the difference between cocaine & laundry detergent. Even at 30ish I still get picked on for not knowing "obvious" things. Sounds like you're doing just as well as I knew you would. Love ya

Background said...

I am so pumped about your blog. Didn't know it existed???? Where have I been? (Oh yeah, I got a full-time job teaching!) Anywho... so excited about following you and hearing your adventures. Laughed soooo hard at your first perm experience! That was classic! Love you and can't wait to see you in July!