
Friday, October 18, 2013

Day 7 - Siblings

I have 6 Siblings which makes us a total of 7.(Funny that this Days post is number 7) So It has taken me a long time to sit down and write this post because Its about my siblings and there is just so much to say about your siblings so many paths you could take.I mean they are the only people that really truly know who you are. The only people who can understand where you are coming from, because they come from there too. They are the ones who know all your crap and know how mean you can be and still love you to death any way. They are the only ones you can talk about your parents with whether its good/bad/funny, because they are the only ones who will get it. The most critical of you and your rivals but also your closest confidants and best friends. These are my siblings let me tell you a little about each one. John David Is my oldest sibling. My big brother. He is 21. And the easiest of all my siblings to get along with. Probably because he is laid back. Doesn't pick a fight and in general just does his own thing. (and probably because he is the only sibling who has been out of the home for 4 years at college. Funny how easy it is to get along with someone whom you don't have to deal with every day.) John David has always been really smart. We were all homeschooled. And some how all school just came easily to him. Like Algebra. He didn't even need mom to explain it to him. He just got it. Im not at all bitter about that... I must say though, it is nice to have some one who can do what ever I need done on the computer for me. Because Im not very tech savvy. This is a picture of John David with his girl friend Liz. Some day hopefully in the near future he is going to propose and they are going to get married. Im excited to have this 7th sibling added to the family! =D
Im next in the line up. Im 19. but since Im not my sibling we are skipping me. Chapman is next. He is my little, big brother. He will be turning 18 in 21 days on November 8th. (My little boy is all grown up.) ;) Chapman has the ability to make me laugh really hard and get angrier than ever all at once. Unlike John David. Chapman can be very hard to get along with. He likes to pick a fight. Yet I love hanging out with him because he is hilarious. Chapman is a welder and a hard worker and the comedian of the family. He loves to eat and he's a jerk(I say that laughing because he isn't really a jerk he just isn't gentle. But really he is a super nice guy!) And he loves Jesus so he's on the right track. He will go far in life. He likes to meet as many people as he can all around this town we have lived in our whole lives, because he believes connections are important. Here he is with his girl friend Bailey.
Hannah is 16. Shes pretty hot. Shes super smart.(Like John David) She is the sweetest, kindest person you could ever meet. She loves kids, life guarding and teaching kids to swim or play piano or whatever. She is really one of my best friends. She is the first to tell me I look good. I love her for that! I tell her how I feel and she is sympathetic or rolls her eyes and tells me Im being ridiculous. She looks better in all my clothes than I do. And I hate her for it. She has great legs! And cool mermaid hair! And sometimes all the time has blonde moments.
Sarah Jane is 14. Sassy, opinionated, photogenic, an artist who creates beautiful paintings and drawings! I can come home with THIS GREAT IDEA of a painting that I want her to make for me and I will try to explain it to her and she looks at me like I have 3 heads but then kindly attempts to paint or draw whatever I just tried to describe to her! She enjoys ballet and classical music and giving art lessons to a little girl down the street. She is fun to laugh about things with!
Abby is 11. She is the sister that I share a room with. We are as different from each other as turquoise is from magenta! She likes to act like she is annoyed with me and doesn't like to share a room with me. But really she loves me and hates it when Im not home at night to go to bed. She is not a girly-girl. I am. So when I decorate our room with pink and sparkles, she says, "When you move out Im making it a horse room." She loves riding horses. She takes lessons.She says that one day she wants to be in the Olympics! Im all for it! She refuses to wear anything girly. Like pink or sparkles (I don't get that) Or frilly things or dresses or skirts. She likes comfort over cute!(I don't get that either) Oh well. She is funny and makes funny faces and doesn't like to go away from home too much unless it has to do with horses. And she is forever begging me to braid her hair and clean our room(since it's usually my mess.) And she always tries to tickle me because she knows it's torture! Im very ticklish!
And finally Mary Alice. She is 9. Full of personality. She also seems to have the smarty pants genes that John David and Hannah have. Mary Alice likes to do anything and everything her sisters are doing! She plays piano and rides horses and writes stories and likes crafts and reading and puting together big puzzles and if any of us are knitting or making jewelry or working out or whatever she has to do it too! She also wants to be like her big sisters who wear makeup and bras and shave and do our hair and my favorite wear pink and sparkles!!! She's really pretty cute! =)

1 comment:

Southern Gal said...

I love your blog, Laura Kaye. Sweet post. You have an amazing family that I've loved since there were only three siblings. ;)